Fire, FIre, FIRe, FIRE!

Found Poem Content From: Lord of the Flies, William Goldings, and Chapters 1-12 (Pages: 32-41, 44-46, 79, 92, 96-99,130, 141-142, 147, 150, 173, 198-200)
No houses, no smoke, no fire, no flames, no people
The planes were shot down with flames and fire
We need a shelter; we need to make smoke
Make a fire, make a fire
Matches, his glasses can be used as burning glasses.
A trickle of smoke rose up
The smoky flame flapped higher, which exploded with a sharp crack
The boys smiled cheerfully
The black and yellow smoke crept excitedly towards the sea
And the fire shouted at them.
Gazing at the exploding fire like a bomb with a fearful face
Like looking at a bright light as it glows slowly
The darkness of the flames was sending smoke and sparks over the mountains tops
The dancing boys danced around the fire
Rescue, Rescue, Rescue, Fire is important on the island.
Smoke! Noises of the fire
The hot, bright thunder of fire
Fire broke out chanting through the forest
Burst into a flaming beast
Voices rose with laughter through the horizon
Rescue, Rescue, we need rescue!
By: Benjamin Chen